Profitability through sustainability
Where we do our utmost everyday to deliver a superior offering to the market, we believe that this is just part of our competition challenge, that extends also to “how” we work.
Our commitment to environmental, social, and governance topics, yesterday and today, is therefore both a pre-condition and an essential component of our value proposition for our customers and stakeholders.

We have been certified since 1993. For ESA, quality certainly does not mean a label to show, but acting every day according to specific procedures in as solid and well-defined organizational structure to ensure resilience for our company, our customers, our stakeholders.
Download here our Certificate.
Download here our QHSE policy.

ISO 14001
ESA is ISO14001 certified since february 2024. This certification is a fundamental support for our commitment to rigorous compliance with the laws and represents a guarantee towards our workers, local communities and beyond of the quality of our production processes. Download certificate

SIAD Group, and ESA being part of it, edit a sustainability report: an attempt to outline and assess its environmental, social, and governance performance in order to demonstrate its commitment to sustainable practices and transparently communicate its impact on society and the environment. Download 2023 report

Anybody in our Company and in our Group can reveal anybody else’s behaviour which is possibly deemed illegal, illicit, unsafe or contrary to our ethic code, without fear for his employment. This tool is an essential implementation of our code of conduct. Follow this link for Group procedure.

ESA wants to be a primary player in the "Combustion Ecosystem": our active participation in the Italian and European association of furnace manufacturers is in this sense a strong sign of our competence and our commitment to the challenges of today and tomorrow.
Our Ethic Code
The adoption of a code of ethics and of code of conduct according to Italian law 231, although voluntary, now legally binds ESA to adopt behaviors aimed at avoiding a set of illegal practices and crimes in the field of corruption, money laundering, tax evasion, exploitation of child labour, etc.

Our initiatives toward a better Company and World.

A "Hope for Achille " non profit organization
ESA supports the Italian non-profit organization 'A Hope for Achille,' whose goal is to find a cure for 'Norrie disease,' an extremely rare genetic disorder that causes progressive blindness and deafness in children. The association funds centers of medical research excellence worldwide for specific research projects. Those who want to learn more or contribute can write to [email protected]

Cultural and social initiatives of our Group
Learn about the great number of initiatives in the cultural, social and scientific fields that SIAD Group carry on or supports in Italy and abroad.

Internal HSEE initiatives
Many HSEE initiatives are carried out inside ESA, i.e. concerning energy saving we remark our 100 KW solar plants and the use of LEDs lamps. Concerning safety we underline are a cardio-protected company. Many initiatives are furthermopre carried out o improve labour.